Kunstløpoppvisning på Frogner stadion i 1928

Weitere Titel: Kunstløpoppvisning på Frogner stadion i 1928
Figure skating at Frogner Stadion in 1928
Genre: Documentary film
Jahr: 1928
Dauer: 00:05:35
Beschreibung: Sonja Henie gives a figure skating demonstration before a capacity crowd at Frogner Stadium, Oslo. Afterward, a procession of other young skaters enters the ice, behind the Norwegian flag, to show what they can do. Finally, during the last two minutes, a handful of female skaters take turns displaying their skills.
Anbieter: Nasjonalbiblioteket
Rechte: Not Copyright protected
Farbe: Black & White
Ton: Without sound
Sammlung: Fiction/non-fiction from the silent film collection
Originalformat: Video/mpeg